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Workshop title :


Customer Focus for IT support specialists


Workshop reference :


305 / V1.0


Duration :


1.5 day


Language :


English, French


Why, Who and What ?


IT support specialists are typically analytical, rational problem-solvers and place their value on their technical expertise. Dealing with end-users’ requests for technical support requires interpersonal sensitivity and communication skills, as well as understanding the customers’ needs for reliability, access, responsiveness, security and credibility. This course is designed to increase the IT support specialists’ understanding of customers’ needs and wants in both tangibles and intangibles, so that they can respond practically and effectively to non-technical end-users’ requests for support. The course methods include presentations of information and models, group work, discussion, practical exercises for skill-building in triads or pairs, and role plays. The course is aimed at being informative, fun and practical.




Key Development Areas


What do customers really want ?


Defining standards of quality for delivery of service. Ranking your customers’ priorities.


What makes me mad !


Objective observation of facts and feelings linked to difficult situations with customers. Awareness of personal development needs.


Exploring customers’ needs


Clarifying requirements and needs, giving individual attention, listening, checking the message, and questioning techniques.


Defining support/service standards


Finding solutions for customers requests, setting standards for reliability, responsiveness, access, security.


Proposing support and service


Proposing, seeking agreement, negotiating and closing.


Putting into practise


Dealing with requests. Building skills through role play and feedback.


Personal evaluation and action planning


Planning your further skill building


Course wrap-up and evaluation