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Workshop title :

Young Consultants Program

Workshop reference :

317 / V1.0

Duration :

2 days

Language :

English, French

Why, Who and What ?

This course aims to help young professionals in the high-tech consulting environment to acquire skills and behaviours to improve their professional impact and credibility. It is based on the "soft skills" of communication and teamwork. The course is based on a realistic case study. Participants work in teams to analyze, find solutions, propose recommendations and win over the client. It is fast-paced and provides opportunities for trying out new behaviours and receiving feedback from both the trainers and the other participants. The course is designed to be delivered ideally by two trainers for 20 participants to provide sufficient challenge and networking.


Key Development Areas

Pre-course work

Reading and preparation of the case study Pre-course questionnaire on expectations

Customer focus

Customer presentation Teamwork on clients' problems and solutions Presentation skills with feedback on professionalism, pertinence and practicality of advice

Team performance and facilitation

Team development stages Building a collaborative team environment Reviewing individual and team performance Basic facilitation techniques

Customer expectations

Teamwork on client proposal Running a client meeting, eliciting information from clients Feedback on interpersonal effectiveness and customer focus behaviours

Communication skills

Framework of interpersonal communication: • body language • rapport-building • influencing skills

Winning clients over

Teamwork on influencing situation Presentation of proposed solution and its implementation Feedback on impact on client, practicality and feasibility of solution

Building skills for success

Reviewing individual and team performance Giving and receiving feedback Take-aways / individual action plans